Wednesday 26 April 2017

Final story board for 'Vanished'

Before starting the filming process for our production, it was vital that as a group we produced a 'storyboard' in order to give direction to our day dedicated to filming. We had to change a few aspects of the film in relation to the storyboard, purely because it was difficult to get the final product exactly the same as the initial planning. However, as the filming progressed, it was clear that the order of our chosen shots could stay relatively similar to the way we envisaged them in planning.
Close to the end of the day of filming, we decided to add in another scene which we label as 'The Police Scene'. This particular scene is not highlighted on the initial storyboard, but as we finished filming we realised that something was missing. In order to set the scene and allow the plot to be as understandable as possible, we incorporated the Police scene so that we could emphasise the flashbacks experienced by the older female character, Phoebe, in the productions. Without this particular scene, the production wouldn't have flowed as well and the plot would have been left almost to ambiguous.

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